Impressionism for kids: 10 different activities

 Impressionism for kids usually falls under the banner of teaching kids about famous artists. Since it is quite difficult to have children learn about artists like Renoir and

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Aluminum can crafts: 5 ideas that are quite creative

I actually got the idea to do this post on aluminum can crafts when I saw this great smashed face made out of an aluminum can on art is

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9 Native American crafts you can use to celebrate Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is right around the corner so here are 9 Native American (Indian) crafts for you to try...non of them copycat crafts.The crafty classroom shows us how to do totem

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The amazing versatility of painting with kids: It’s not all process only

This is a post about painting for kids. As you probably know, the internet is flooded with wonderful, process only painting activities to do with children. I think

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Not your typical bunch of apple crafts ideas

Tis' the season for some apple crafts. For me apples have a close connection to Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year which is a couple of days away.

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What can you do with wine corks? Try a couple of these easy cork craft ideas.

You may have to wait for holiday time to do some wine cork crafts unless you’ve been collecting wine corks for a while. There are a a few

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24 of the best, most creative kids collages

I'll bet you can't believe that there could really be (at least) 24 great collage activities that kids can do, right?I know many preschool and kindergarten teachers and

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Aluminum foil art: 10 different ideas

Aluminum foil is one thing that most homes usually have. When you're stuck with ideas for art aluminum foil art is pretty and plentiful. Here are 10 ideas

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8 art storage ideas for kids art materials

Here you go: 8 great art storage ideas for your kids art supplies. No commentary needed, the pictures say it all Buckets for storage portable art studio see

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Marker art: Move over hearts and rainbows

When you give a bunch of little girls some markers for marker art, what do they do? Hearts and rainbows of course. Let’s try to move them on

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