Are you an Early Childhood Educator?
 Would you like to know why copycat, cookie cutter crafts is detrimental to children's development?

Download this FREE mini course Ditching the Copycat Crafts Mindset and learn why & how to transition away from cookie cutter crafts and boost children's confidence, creativity and cognitive development.

Professional Development Workshops

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We have worked with Faigie!

We have had the privilege of having Mrs. Faigie Kobre teach art to our students for many years now..  She is very  knowledgeable about her subject and her students have grown in ability as well as in understanding of the art process and in art appreciation.

Due to the fact that Mrs. Kobre is well trained as an educator she understands the way children learn at their stages of development and is able to incorporate teaching art in a developmentally appropriate manner. This translates into creative art instead of copycat art. 

Mrs. Leah Zytman

Principal,  Bais Yaakov Ateres Miriam
Far Rockaway, NY

On two different occasions Faigie Kobre led staff development workshops on “art in the preschool" classroom in our preschool. On both occasions as a community of learners we benefited greatly from her expertise.  

Faigie taught the teachers different techniques to help us help our young artists grow. A product she created years ago called “Preschool Art Seminar in a box” is still being used by our teachers and it is an invaluable tool for new teachers as well as veterans.

Mrs. Sheryl Hecht

Early Childhood Director
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County

Faigie Kobre gave a wonderful hands-on art workshop  for our Head Start early childhood staff. The teachers report that they have implemented many of the techniques and skills into their classroom art activities and daily routine.
The workshop has inspired and empowered the teachers to embrace a more creative learning experience for the children. We are amazed at the difference in children’s confidence and independence. We were not surprised when the data showed increased scores in problem-solving, creativity, and fine motor skills. 

Mrs. D'vorah Katz

Director of Education

Shira Head Start Brooklyn, NY

Faigie delivered a workshop in my school a few years ago that was so enthusiastically received by my teachers that it changed their whole perspective  on children’s art.

They began to let go of their need to control  how the final product appeared and began to really allow the children to engage in the process in their own way. They finally learned to appreciate that in early childhood it is more often the process we value rather than the product.

Mrs Leah Malka Weinstein

Atelierista, Reggio Inspired school
Chelsea NYC

About Faigie

Faigie is an educator who has been involved with children's art for many years. After receiving her Masters in Early Childhood Education from Bank Street College of Education she spent years as an early childhood teacher and director. She had a particular love for the art of children and segued into giving professional development workshops for school in the NY/NJ area. for the last number of years she has been an elementary school art teacher teaching the TAB method  in a girls yeshiva in the Far Rockaway NY area., 

Free mini course

Mini Course: Ditch the Copycat Crafts Mindset.