November 2, 2015 8:34 pm


Paul Klee was the artist chosen for these 2 activities  with 2 different classes.

The first group (first graders) were given the 2 images below of Paul Klee’s to see what kind of work he does.

paul klee samples of line drawings

I then gave them white tagboard and black sharpies.

They were allowed to create any kind of picture they wanted  without coloring anything in.

drawing for klee

I then gave each group a plate of cut up tissue paper squares in warm colors to mimic the colors Klee used in his artwork above.

squares of tissue paper

The children then had to place the squares on their paper, paint with water, and then remove the squares, dyeing the paper the warm colors.

painting squares with water

tissue paper painting kleeklee 4klee 2

Below is a display of their work alongside the artwork we were mimicking.
bulletin board display

The second group of kids did see the first samples of artwork but, were told that their artwork was going to mimic the one below.

sample of face of klee

They all had to draw a large circle for a head and a neck.

drawing faces

faces 2

They were then told to make a grid over the face with black sharpies.

pastels and baby oil

After they were done with the sharpies, they were able to use oil pastels to color in their pieces.

I also gave  them small bowls of plain cookie oil and q-tips to help them blend their colors.

Below are some of the results.

klee faces collage 1

klee collage 3


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