September 3, 2013 9:16 pm


Tis’ the season for some apple crafts. For me apples have a close connection to Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year which is a couple of days away. We dip apples in honey on Rosh Hashana for a sweet new year. However, it is also right at the beginning of Fall here in the U.S. which means apples are plentiful (also cheaper).

Finding appropriate apple crafts wasn’t easy as it really lends itself to cookie cutter types of crafts (which we don’t do here, you know) but, a  little digging and I did find a number of art activities you can do with apples that fit right into our educational art philosophy.

The first one I found was this apple tree art  from teach preschool

apple crafts

The next one is one where the kids can collage on an apple from learning and teaching with preschoolers. It actually looks a bit like a torn paper collage on the apple.

apple craftsIf you don’t have a problem using food for art then there are plenty of apple stamping activites and here is one from creative family fun.

apple stamping

This apple collage  may look like they are using a template but, really all they are doing is collaging with red pieces of paper on to an apple shape. Its at  no time for flashcards

apple crafts

Here is another one from no time for flashcards  making an apple orchard

apple crafts

In this post they do a stained glass apple  at crafty mom share

apple crafts

And something similar using tissue paper to make tissue paper apples  from preschool playbook

apple crafts

And as I was ending this post I remembered another idea. Make a mosaic with the seeds from the apples.

Have a very sweet new year.

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