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Alex Toys Friends 4 Ever Bracelet Making Kit
Bracelet making is a common girls crafts activity that is enjoyed by girls starting in early elementary school or even mid elementary school. The preschool age kids can make some very basic, elementary, homemade type bracelets but, the friendship type bracelets one purchased in a bracelet making kit are best left for kids that have a bit more dexterity and fine motor coordination.
Little girls are very into their friendships and they love to make friendship bracelet to prove their love to their friends and relatives.
There is a very popular friends 4 ever bracelet kit called the Alex Toys Friends 4 Ever Bracelet Making Kit that is one of the best friendship bracelet kits available. If the girls are specifically looking for woven friendship bracelets then this is the one to get since not all friendship bracelet kits are woven bracelets.
The Alex friends forever bracelet making kit allows you to make 22 Friendship Bracelets. It comes with 4 looms that helps you make 2 different styles and 8 different patterns of friendship bracelets. there are 22 different colors of floss and beads and it comes with a small suitcase to keep it all in one place.
This particular friendship bracelet kit is more addictive than some of the others and girls will not get bored as fast as they will with some of the other kits. It seems that lots of girls have a hard time putting them down once they finish, so be prepared to get lots of gifts of woven friendship bracelets
It comes with a round wheel that creates the bracelets. The are a couple of different patterns. sometimes getting going can be a little tricky so they Alex toys company have even created a you tube video with instructions on how to make the bracelets.
Watch the video on how to make the friendship bracelet here
It may be a good idea to watch the video with your daughter, granddaughter or niece to make sure they get the instructions down pat before letting them do it themselves
If the girls make many bracelets and use up the string then you may have to buy more. When you do purchase more string buy the DMC threads. You may even want to buy that thread initially if you don’t like the thread included in the kit. The wheels have colored patterning and are made of a stiffer foam which seems to hold up well.
To purchase or find out more click on link below
Alex Toys Friends 4 Ever Bracelet Making Kit