This activity has got to be one of my favorites to do with children. I don’t think you can do this with toddlers but, starting with 4 years olds I think it can be done very successfully. A while back I did a post on all about me collages that has a very similar idea but, these are much more advanced. (and frankly more fun)
The best way to run this activity is in a few steps. I got the idea for this from the book Beautiful Stuff!: Learning with Found Materials.
The first thing I did was to cut out large circles for the faces. I gave the children each a large circle to choose from.
They were then given a number of materials to choose from that could be used to create a face.
Please remember that they will decorate according to their age levels. The younger they are, the more random will their faces look and the older the more sophisticated. They may add hair, earrings, hats etc.
I gave the children mirrors to look at themselves to decide what they wanted to put on their faces. Children that are not developmentally ready will not necessarily put on what they see, they will put on what they are aware of.
We did this activity in two days since it takes lots of time plus it allows the faces to dry. The second step can go on the first day as well if you’d like.
The second step is to glue the face to the top of a large sheet of paper (maybe 11×18).
The next step is to give the children a choice of pieces to use for the bodies.
Above is just a sampling of what I gave the children to use. We talked about what they can use the pieces for, but again, they will each create according to their levels.
After they choose what they want and past them down under their face, they get to decorate their bodies. I made an array of materials, buttons, yarns, sequins and ribbons for the children to choose from.
It was one of the most engrossing activities for the children and one of the most satisfying as a adult who loves to give children art. Below are the results from our group.
It is important to try to guide the children only thru the giving of the materials ans some initial discussion about what they will need for their faces and bodies. If you are giving them ideas make sure to give many instead of just one. You will also see that if you do this activity one year with your child and then 2 years later, you will get a vastly different result. I hope you enjoy this activity as much as I did.
This is fantastic. I know my 4 year old daughter will love it; she’s always asking for crafting materials to do a “free” project. Thanks so much for passing along the idea 🙂
Thanks so much. I enjoyed this activity tremendously it’s really one of my favorites. The kids really took to it.
Love this idea and pinned it! If you get a chance I think my mom friends would really like this. I host a link party called Family Fun friday with 100+ bloggers and 500+ readers. You can link here if you have time. 🙂
I love this. I’m so curious to see what my girls would come up with. I’m definitely going to try this. Thanks for the idea 🙂
Thanks Monica I just added your blog to my Friday list
Sure. If you give them enough materials I’m sure the results will be awesome.
This is a really cute idea! Looks like fun and would make them think! Thanks for sharing at Mom’s Library!
I think that’s what good art is supposed to do, make them think.
I can’t wait to try this with my boys when they are older.
Thanks for linking up at Artsy Play Wednesday. Pinned to our group board.
What a wonderful activity. I think I will have to try this with my 4-year-old. Thank you for sharing on Sharing Saturday!!
Love these!
This is a great idea! I will do this with my 6 and 2 year old. I now know what I can do with some of their old clothes that I was going to cut up for fabric scraps! Thanks for the idea!
LOVE these! My kiddos are not quite old enough, but I am pinning to save for later! I love self-portrait art as it is such a great way for kids to express themselves and to see how they grow and view themselves over the years. Thanks for sharing!
Amy I think its a bit too mature of an activity for 2 yr olds. Perfect for 6 yr olds but, 2 yr olds are not really ready to do this kind of activity. They just want to paste and glue and paint and are not results oriented yet. Pure process only for 2 yr olds
Great idea I have an entire box of odds and ends and cut offs perfect for this project, thank you too for including so many pics of children’s work for my children to see as examples cheers Melissa