What makes Summer art different from other kinds of art aside from the fact that it’s done in the summer? I would say it’s when the activities can be done outdoors OR you use materials from outdoors. Agreed? OK so here are some great Summer art activities. Mess doesn’t matter in the Summer when you do art outdoors as you can just hose everyone and everything down.
If you have a problem with messy activities in your home, use the Summer as an opportunity to get in all the messy activities you don’t usually do.
The first one is from Mom to 2 Posh Little Divas and is frozen finger painting . Not frozen fingers, that’s for the winter but, finger painting with frozen paints.
The next is quite close. It’s from Growing a Jeweled Rose and even though it seems like I am repeating myself, it is a bit of a different freezy paint activity.
Then we have sidewalk paint from Mess for Less. Time to move away from the chalk and hit the sidewalks with paint that washes off from the rain easily. If it doesn’t rain much where you are, then a hose will do it.
This bubbles art from Kids Activities blog is sometimes done at home but, in this case, you can use large sheets of paper and they can make as much of a mess as they want.
Another messy activity that can only be done outside,however is Pendulum painting on One Inch world
And then you can give kids the Tom Sawyer experience and let them paint on a fence. KC Adventures obviously had one available to paint on. If you don’t I don’t think it would be wise to use a neighbors.
Of course, there are the many activities you can do with leaves ,flowers and other outdoor stuff. Here is one where you make fern prints My Nearest and Dearest
If you are brave and have windows that are low and a hose nearby then I think the kids will get the biggest kick out of window painting . Check it out on Mess for Less
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