Art Workshops for Early Childhood Teachers

What is an art workshop for  teachers?

Young children are very sensory and learn mostly through their hands. As a result, many early childhood teachers do lots of arts and crafts. However, the wrong kind of crafts can greatly depress a child's self esteem and learning potential. To read about the importance of the right kind of art for kids you can read more about it at this link No More Copycat Crafts.

Even though, many teachers love the concept of having the children do more developmentally appropriate art they often don't know how to go about it. It is through  art workshops that Faigie teaches how to teach children using developmentally appropriate art. There is art that is used to help children remember knowledge and there is art that is used for children to express themselves.

Faigie covers all areas of art. Since however,  there are different types of teachers with different skill levels there need to be different ways to reach all levels of teachers.

3 Levels of Workshops :

Level 1 Workshops

For teachers in traditional schools who do  almost all copy cat crafts but,would like to learn how to make the switch

Level 2 Workshops

Schools that do some more free art but, also lots of copycat crafts yet,would like to learn how to get ALL of their art to be developmentally appropriate

Level 3 workshops

Schools that do no copycat crafts but, would like to take their art programs to a more professional level with more sophisticated art.

Each workshop in each level includes:

  • Clear explanations of the philosophies of why kids need to do art this way
  • Hands on activities to experience what the children experience
  • Many samples and pictures
  • Slide presentation (if situation lends itself to it)
  • Handouts
  • Hands on help in the classroom

Each workshop is tailored to that particular school and their needs. If you need more hands on,  more theory,  more advanced art workshops for new techniques to bring the kids...whatever you need you will get.

Below are two images of a project done at a workshop with some  teachers.

The trees the teachers made as a first copycat crafts project

The second trees they made when given their own materials.

Your workshop leader

Faigie Kobre is  a former preschool teacher and director and  is presently an art teacher at an elementary school in Far Rockaway NY. She is passionate about getting children involved in art that builds up their self esteem and teaches them critical thinking skills.She understands the traditional mindset very well as she came from that world herself. She  teaches teachers in every school at the level they are at.

Price of Workshop


For local schools​ (local is within a 45 min drive)

(For schools further away contact Faigie)

If you would like a workshop but, feel $600 is out of your budget, contact Faigie as sometimes schools can pair up together to foot the bill


What others say:

Leah Diskind Weinstein
Atelierista, Reggio school

Faigie delivered a workshop in my school a few years ago that was so enthusiastically receive by my teachers that it changed their whole perspective on children's art. They began to let go of their need to control how the final product appeared and began to really allow the children to engage in the process in their own way. They finally learned to appreciate that in early childhood its more often the process we value rather than the product.

Mrs. Sheryl Hecht
Hebrew Academy Nassau County

 On two different occasions Faigie led a staff development workshop on "art in the preschool classroom" in our school. On both occasions as a community of learners we benefitted greatly from her expertise. During the first workshop, Faigie in her warm and engaging manner helped us set up our classrooms with art materials the children could use to "create". No cookie cutter art projects for us!!. During the second workshop Faigie taught the teachers different techniques to help us help our young artists grow. A product she created years ago call "preschool Art Seminar in a Box" is still being used by our teachers and is an invaluable tool for new teachers as well as veterans.

Mrs. Leah Zytman
Bai Yaakov Ateres Miriaml

We have had the privilege of having Mrs. Faigie Kobre as our art teacher for the last few years. Faigie is a warm and engaging teacher who is passionate about what she does. she imparts this passion to her students and they are always excited about their art class. She is knowledgable about her subject and her students have grown in ability as well in understanding of the art projects and art appreciation.

Due to the fact that Faigie is trained as an educator she understands the way children learn at their stages of development and are able to incorporate teaching art in a developmentally appropriate manner. Faigie is able to see the weaknesses and the strength of her students their their art and has made her art classes a true learning experience for all of her students.

To contact Faigie:

  • Email:
  • Call: 718-419-3187