Welcome! I am so happy you took this step to upgrade your schools art curriculum.

Below is the link to set up a appointment for your assessment so we can get started on learning what your school is about. Though a zoom call is more productive if that doesn't work for you there is also the option to do a phone assessment.

It's a good idea to do the assessment earlier rather than later since I can create your slide presentation for you as  soon as I know all the details

If none of the times work for you or you would like an evening or a Sunday appointment then please email me at faigie@eduart4kids.com

Each school that purchases this program will have their own page set up with the video presentation on that page.

One of the biggest benefits of this way of doing things is that you have full control over when and how you show this video. It's your to keep forever which allows teachers to watch it over again and you can have any new teachers or other people working for your school watch it and get familiar with your philosophy.

Looking forward to speaking with you

Faigie Kobre